Monday, May 5, 2008


i was doing homework the other day and they talked about this thing that borders is doing where they can bring up any book in their system and print out the pages and the cover and then they bind the book in their store too. no more stacks of books sitting in the warehouse in the back. no more dusty pages. something about this seems wrong to me. dont we have enough ways to get things as fast as we could possibly want them? isnt that what the internet is for? this just seems cheap to me.

and then you're taking away that amazing smell of a new book. i cant imagine that something that had just come off a laser printer would have the same scent. i love the way books smell, the tattered covers, and ragged pages. dont take that away from me, sir.


often times i feel like i dont have much to say. the thoughts that come out seem to be all pretty status-quo. ive heard a couple of times from my friends that the way i view the world is unique...but it doesnt seem that unique when you see it that way every day. the one thing i remember is during the world series games last spring i was explaining to my friend that i was such a huge fan of baseball, at least for the last few weeks. yeah, we'll see where that goes. i cant promise anything. i think part of why i'm doing this is to try and remember the silly things that go on in my life. the little things that we need to keep track of because they make up the moments that add up to a life.