Sunday, November 7, 2010

to my friend in preparation of her wedding

Dear friend,

As I write this letter I am looking at a picture from our ladies prayer dinner at your house. You are such a beautiful woman of God and I am so glad to know you. I am so thankful for our time together while you were in Portland. I remember our walks along the waterfront, sharing our hopes and dreams for life. You shared your heart for L as your relationship was unfolding. You were consistent in seeking the Lord's wisdom. I remember your gentle spirit as you walked with me through a difficult time in my life. How you prayed over me and encouaged me.

You are family to me.  I am thankful to have you as a sister in Christ. I am thrilled to come and celebrate your wedding with you!! While I am looking forward to my first trip to Europe, that all pales in comparison to how delighted I am to be a part of your wedding day. Honestly. I pray blessings and peace over you as you prepare for your wedding. That God would be close to both you and L as you come closer to being united in Christ. My eyes are tearing up as I write this.  Looking back over your journey it is a true testament to God’s great love for you. Of His protection and provision. What a happy ending to this story!

I love you, dear sister, and can’t wait to celebrate with you!