First, my dear friends told me that they were moving to Salt Lake City to plant a church. Kevin and Karen are more than just friends, they're family. they are where i spend Christmas each year. last year, during the snow storm - i got a call from Kevin saying to get my stuff ready because he was on his way to pick me up. I wouldn’t have to spend the storm alone. i spent a week at their house talking, eating, laughing, baking, playing in the snow and eating some more. That was exactly what i needed this time last year. These are the people that i would call if i ended up in hospital. They are a big part of why I’m in Portland in the first place. They are the home i run to when my life is falling apart. i've spent many late nights talking with Karen about how to navigate through life's twists and turns. They are more than friends, they are my family. So when they told me they were moving I knew a piece of me would be going with them to Salt Lake City .
Karen invited me to go with them to SLC. And it got my wheels turning. i was honored to be invited and a new adventure got me excited. But, as I thought more about it I realized that I would need to be called to Salt Lake . i mean think about it. Me? in Salt Lake ? Really? Yeah, right. I’m no snow bunny. If they were starting a church in Chicago or Boston or my beloved New York , I would be there in a flash. But Salt Lake ? What in the world would I be able to contribute there? But I’ve been praying about it, if there’s a place for me there that God wants me to fill – I’m open to it. and would be excited for the new adventure. But I’ll have to hear it from God.
Ever since I got the news of Kevin & Karen moving, I’ve held Portland very lightly. Wondering where God would take me next (NYC, please!).
Then, I went to visit my family in California earlier this month. While I was there I got to spend some time with one of my teachers from high school. Erin and I used to go to Santa Cruz together almost every weekend. I was so blessed to have her as a mentor during those years. And our relationship has blossomed into a deep friendship. It was wonderful to spend a day catching up with her. Taking her dog Truckee for a walk. Trying out new wines at their usual wine bar. Drinking tea and talking about life. Hearing her heart and laying mine out for her. While I was there, I realized that I could see myself living in the Bay Area again. WHAT?! Where the heck did that come from? That shocked me big time because I ran as fast as I could away from that place after high school. What in the world was I thinking? But maybe it wasn’t me that was thinking. God, are you up to something here? So I mentioned this to Erin and her husband and they responded with excitement and started dreaming of how I could connect to their community. How I could serve in their church and help establish a women’s ministry. How they would love to have me as part of their core team when they plant their own church. Hmm, God where are you going with this?
Something I know about myself is that God teaches me in themes. When I see something come up in a few places my ears perk up. So, I’m not sure that this means that I will be leaving Portland any time soon. I’ve got A LOT of great things going for me here. A good job, a GREAT community of friends, a beautiful church. But maybe this means God is calling me out of this season of healing that I’ve been in, and into a season of service. I pray that God would be revealing where he would have me serve, where he is calling me. I’m holding all this lightly, ready for a new adventure.
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